Part 2 in Vatican 
中文--> English
早上的梵諦岡很美! 建築物上有100多個聖者,早晨的廣場,人依然很多! 和一群人站在廣場等著教宗的祝福與問候,沒想到是由著古裝的士兵進場開始,接著才是教宗的出場,聽完教宗的祈禱反而有些失落! 因為教宗所說的語言,沒有一個字是我聽得懂的...看完教宗以後,往羅馬的方向走去,走著走著便到了台灣的大使館,看著飄揚的國旗,很開心此刻的我身邊有另一個台灣人,很想推開大使館的門和在裏頭工作的公務員說說話,他們真的辛苦了。

Vatican in the morning is beautiful. The sculptures are divine even I see 2 pigeons standing on the head. There are many people in the square waiting for the Pope like us. When hearing the Pope, I can't understand anything because I don't know spanish and latin. This makes me feel a little bit sad, paying attention on what people says but know nothing. After this, we're ahead to Rome. During the walk, I see the embassy of TAIWAN, republic of China. This is the only official embassy in Europe. Others are like bureaus. Anyway, what they do is the same. Seeing the flag flying. I'm glad accompanied by another Taiwanese. 

viva TAIWAN!

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    梵諦岡 Vatican

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