義大利,來的匆忙,什麼資料也沒找,扛著筆電就來了。飛機一落地,第一個感覺是好多人在講電話,原以為大家打電話忙著跟家裡人、朋友聯繫,結果一進羅馬,羅馬的街上也是好多人一邊走路一邊講電話,check-in 的時候,服務人員也是時不時的講電話。其實很常在羅馬的街上看到外來移民的臉孔、中文,覺得很希奇。

意外的結識一位開朗的智利女孩E,就這樣子和他,還有一位韓國男孩K一起去梵諦岡參加彌撒,在走路去梵蒂岡的路上,意外的發現台灣和韓國有著一些共同點,像是父母與孩子的距離,我們普遍不會主動擁抱父母,E的家庭則是即使只是一個星期沒見,見面也一定會擁抱、普遍學子嚮往普通大學、人口老年化、年輕人孕育下一代的意願不高的問題,還有普遍都是依成績選科系,意外地得知韓國的男生須要服2年的兵役,在他身上沒有看到一絲抱怨,反而有一種對於自己服完兵役的驕傲。南韓和北韓有一天真的會打起來嗎? 二戰都遺留給我們兩國不少難題。也只能盡力守護了。努力吧!

彌撒的過程很莊嚴,詩歌,雖然聽不懂,還是覺得很好聽,覺得那些教職人員的歌喉很好,現場還看到了許多拉丁美洲國家的國旗! 以前總好奇那個圓圓、白白的餅吃起來如何,這一次意外地吃到了,在吃之前,E有些擔心的問我:「可以接受嗎?」,我對於天主教的認識真的很少,當下的我也沒有多想,所以說了:「可以啊! 」而且我也沒有辦法想到任何不能接受的理由。在彌撒結束後,E向我解釋那圓圓、白白的餅代表耶穌的一部分,當你吃了,代表你能理解耶穌的精神,聽完以後,E看著我驚訝的表情,笑笑地跟我說:「沒有關係的!」。好險! 在剛剛儀式之中,我滿認真參與的! 



這場彌撒之旅,好幸運有K和E作伴! 希望愛與和平常存世間。

Before coming to Italy, I don't know the reasons that I don't want to any research for this. I just book the hostels, decide which cities to stay and put laptop in the luggage even though it's more possible that I just get the map from the hostels and start my trip with it. 

When I arrive in Italy, first thing I notice is that many people are talking on the phone while walking on the street. This scene is rarely seen in France. While I check in, the staff picks up the phone and the phone call isn't just one. The area I live in Rome is near the train station and I find out that there are many immigrants. I can find chinese characters or other languages easily. There are also many graffiti on the streets.

At night, I go to Vatican with a Chile girl,E, and a Korean boy,K, for the Mass. I'm not christian or catholic but I really want to experience this ceremony since I'm in Europe and in Vatican during Christmas. I've seen some news about Pope Francis. I like him even though he refuses to have a reunion withDalai Lama because of the concern of the relationship with China. This makes me feel awful. For me, politics and religion should be separated. Religion is like a motion that people wants to be a better person. Politics includes the whole society from living to entertainment and every resident is included. When human has right to choose their religion, how can they be put together? There is not only one religion or one attitude toward this. 

During our walk to Vatican, we find out the similarities and differences between us. In E's family, they hug each other a lot. In k's and my family, we hug each other rarely. In Korea and Taiwan, students tend to decide their major by the scores. Generally, what we learn in university is not what we want mostly. Some of us even don't know what they want or what they hate actually because they never try or think about this. Student life in senior school is all about getting higher scores. Nowadays, in Taiwan, more students know what they want before entering university and they work hard. They don't choose what to study by scores anymore. Hope this kind student can be more and more in the future. Student life in senior school should not just study hard. Studying hard is really important, but during summer or winter vacation, we should do something different. Korean man should do 2-year military service. I don't sense any complaints from K's face. Instead, it's more like a pride. Like I've done military service, I'm real adult. Compared the situation in Taiwan, man has to do 1-year military service. To be honest, we aren't willing to do this. This doesn't mean that we don't love Taiwan,we don't want to protect our country. Our complaints is because one year you can do many things as a fresh man in the society. When you do military service, you don't know what happen in the world sometimes.

During the Mass, I see many flags from south america. I can feel their love toward Pope and god. The poetry is wonderful. Even though I lack religious knowledge, italian and spanish, I feel touched when hearing people singing together.

It's a wonderful experience. And I'm lucky to know E and K during trip.
Love and Peace.


    梵諦岡 聖誕節

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